Triple Crown Fall Contest 2024
Fri, Sep 27
|Central Washington Equine Arena
3rd leg of the triple crown contest held the weekend of our annual conference. Judge will be Nigel Fennel FWCF with Honours. Registration closes Friday Sept. 20th. (PLEASE REGISTER FOR THE CONFERENCE SEPARATELY). They are held at two different locations.

Time & Location
Sep 27, 2024, 8:00 AM
Central Washington Equine Arena , 1850 Venture Rd, Ellensburg, WA 98926, USA
About The Event
* PLEASE NOTE: You will need to register for BOTH the contest and the FAWS conference separately. They will be held in two separate locations so please pay attention to each location address.
Registration Fees:
Student (w/proof of farrier school enrollment) - Free
Novice - $75
Intermediate - $125
Open - $175
Hotel Information:
Comfort Inn and Suites in Ellensburg, WA. DO NOT CALL the 1-800 number, call the front desk and mention FAWS to receive your room block rate. Rooms must be reserved by Friday September20th. 509-243-6026
Friday September 27 @ Central Washington Equine Arena
1850 Venture Rd, Ellensburg, WA 98926, USA 8am Eagle Eye 9am Forging 1 10:30 Forging 2 12:00 Lunch 1:00 Shoeing RD 1 2:30 Shoeing RD 2 4:00 Shoeing RD 3 6:00 Dinner
Eagle Eye 15 min
Novice - Keg
Shoe Int- Plain Stamp
Open 3/4 fullered
Shoeing class 70 min
Novice- Hind foot shod with keg shoe. Specimen clipped keg shoe for opposite foot.
Int-Hind clipped concave on foot. Specimen hind clipped concave for opposite hoof.
Open- shoe pair of fronts with toe clipped concave.
Novice Forging Class 70min
Hammer finish Concave Hind from 12 inches 3/8x3/4 . 5-1/16x 5-1/2 . E4slim nail .
Hammer finish Plain stamp hind - 13-1/2 inches of 1/2x1 . E6 slim nail .
Intermediate forging class 70 min
Calk and feather- 3/8x3/4 - (no more than 13-1/2 needed but cut to forge to size - inside feather is strong and will need bumping /upsetting ) 4-1/2x5-1/2 .
3/4 Fullered Hind Barshoe 15 inches of 3/8x3/4 . 5-1/8x5-1/2 (length is toe to back of bar) Combo 4slim nail .
Open Forging class “Whip & Diamonds “ class 👌🏻70min
Reverse graduated Diamond Toe HAMMER FINISH - with specialty Hammer finish diamond 💎 toe . 5/8 square . Cut what is appropriate to forge to size - Toe is strong and will need bumping/ upsetting . 4-7/8 x 6-1/4 (toe to outside trailer ) 5-1/2 (toe to inside heel ) . Heel space 2-1/4. Cross pein clip or similar only . E4slim nail .
Whip Across Front Barshoe HAMMER FINISH . Can be made from either 3/8x3/4 or 3/8x1 . You are either bumping or drawing . Shoe section /size needs to match speciman . 5-3/4x 6-1/8 (toe to outside heel ) 5-1/2 (toe to back/middle of bar . Nail to suit
Novice Pairs class
Pair of plain stamp Hammer finish fronts 12-1/4 “ 3/8x3/4 - 5-1/8x5-3/8 4 combo slim nail .
Intermediate pairs class Pair of 3/4 Fullered Hinds Hammer finish . 11-1/4 a 3/8x1 5x5-1/2 . E4 slim nail .
Open Pairs class Pair of Italian palmerlibrium Barshoes . Clipped with the round of the turning hammer only . 3/8x1 -(no more than 15 inches needed but cut to preferred length to forge to size ) 5x6 - bar 2-3/8 . E5 nail . File and finish .